Women’s Leadership Program
Your Full Leadership Potential
Your Full Leadership Potential
The UNLEASH transformative program is for dynamic, motivated women in mid-level leadership who are elevating their impact, strengthening workplace results, and influencing clients, team members, and next generations of women.
In my 30 years working with successful women, as both a therapist and coach, I’ve observed that those who excel in goal attainment and superb performance benefit from an unparalleled mastery of their emotional intelligence, communication skills, time, and energy.
Ready to rise and lead more women in your industry?
Program Goals and Objectives:
An interactive small group coaching program designed to strengthen leadership, increase wellbeing, and grow individual and team performance with a powerful, practical, hands-on approach.
Module 1: Emotional Intelligence
Research over the last 25+ years demonstrates that emotional intelligence significantly furthers your accomplishments in the workplace. Enhance your EI to advance, navigate work relationships, and create ripples of impact with teams, clients, and mentees.
Build the fundamental skill of self-awareness
Recognize and manage your own and others’ emotions
Activate your confidence and courage
Using the EQi -2.0 questionnaire, which identifies 15 emotional qualities, identify and bolster your strengths while enhancing areas for growth.
Build leadership by responding effectively to those around you.
Pinpoint thinking that interferes with your progress, rewire thought patterns and take new action.
Module 2: Communication
Listening and speaking impactfully are skills which entail a deep, discerning level of openness, clarity, and often boldness. You will leave with specific strategies for clear, effective communication, whether with team members, colleagues or those senior to you.
Make direct requests and create agreements
Engage in difficult conversations; speak up and be heard
Learn deep listening
Learn strategies to use immediately for highly effective interactions.
Learn to speak up so that you are heard, and you have impact.
People strongly desire being heard and understood. Become an expert listener, listening to understand and move the agenda forward more smoothly.
Module 3: Time and Energy
Learn to say no, honor yourself, your time, and your energy. You will increase your self-esteem, the quality of your work, and decrease overwhelm as you identify and stay true to your priorities.
Anchor in calm and presence: practice mindfulness vs. busyness
Maintain Momentum: Get out of your way
Let go of overwhelm
Your present mind results in better decisions, more work satisfaction, higher productivity, and improved well-being.
Get honest about what gets in your way and drains you in order to increase your productivity and decrease stress at work.
Let go of habits that don't serve you, and build that which energizes you. Become efficient and use your time optimally.
Incorporate key insights, learnings, and actions going forward by creating your leadership manifesto.
Program Details:
Begins Spring 2025
Meets bi-weekly on zoom for five months
Sessions are 90 minutes
Includes 10 group sessions, all materials, plus 3 1:1 coaching sessions
Participation requires full presence at all live sessions and commitment to setting and acting on goals
4-8 participants