Being Unapologetically You

In day one, I mentioned that in order to step into your own power, one must be willing to stand up for who you are without apology. 

There is an interesting dilemma for women which still exists:  How do I confidently express my beliefs, thoughts, feelings and still be liked and keep others happy? 

Herein lies the problem.  It is OK to feel strongly about what you think and feel, AND for others to disagree and dislike you because of those very thoughts and feelings. 

You abdicate your confidence ( and thereby your internal power) when you prioritize others’ thoughts and feeling above your own.  

Being unapologetic means being and doing what you feel strongly about in the way you choose, without the fear of offending, disappointing or challenging someone.  Expect to do these things! 

Look, most people want to be liked.  It’s just human nature, but when we relinquish our true nature in order to be liked, it diminishes confidence.

On the other hand, playing around with being true to yourself will build confidence. 

Do you remember any time as a child when you either played an instrument or a sport and a parent kept telling you to practice?

It is the same with building the confidence muscle.  Practice, practice, practice.  

Being comfortably you comes with time.  Keep practicing, and follow along over the next week for easy daily strategies.