Tips for Tapping into Your Resilience

We are being tested right now in many ways, to maintain our energy, our sense of calm, and our resilience, just to name a few.


One model for change looks at how we move through fear, learning and growth zones. This isn’t linear, as no change is, but thinking about where you are day to day can help with your choices. It’s easy to remain in the fear zone or the learning zone. In the fear zone, your Amygdala (emotion center in your brain, gives you the fight or flight reaction to fear) is hijacked, you can feel very stuck, over-whelmed and anxious. In the learning zone, you are more proactive, finding ways, maybe new ways, to manage what life brings your way.

How do we move into the growth zone, where we have choices, stress is lower, we are growing, even thriving?

Here are 6 actions associated with growth, which also promote resilience:

  1. Thinking of others

  2. Living in the present, focusing on what you can control

  3. Planning for the future based on values and commitments

  4. Making your talents available to others. In other words, get out there and do your stuff

  5. Looking for ways to adapt, use a growth mindset

  6. Practicing patience

Which might you practice as a tool to strengthen your resilience?


Managing emotions is clearly another way to build resilience, and right now for many people, emotions are running the gamet.

Mark Breckett at The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence has a handy acronym for managing emotions. I think this is accurate in it’s simplicity.


Recognize your emotion

Understand the cause and consequence

Label it

Express it

Regulate it

What is one daily act that will help you use a ruler for your emotions?  Examples are simple things like breathing, journaling, and meditating.

Oh, and remember to share this with the kiddos in your life, even ages 3-5 can begin to do this. They will really benefit, as emotion regulation is not taught in schools.

Many of my readers are women with small businesses, so if that is you, here’s another thought on resilience.

There is a lot to say in this arena, but 4 important traits for business resilience, especially right now are:

  1. Flexibility

  2. Creating loyal customers

  3. Having a deep understanding of what your clients want

  4. Persistence. Be in it for the long haul.

Ask yourself if you are attending to these important areas of your business, and if not, carve out time to plan how to improve.  Your future self will thank you.

My hope is that you find a piece of this newsletter that helps you find or increase your own resilience.  

Be well,



Please forward this newsletter to others if it was useful for you.

My giveaway:

If you know someone who is stuck, personally or professionally, I am blocking out 2 weekly times for 1/2 hr. meetings, at no charge. This is not to start coaching, it is one meeting to support a person in moving forward. A lot can happen in 30 min. 😊

Coaching with Ellie:  Contact me for a free introductory session. Call or email: 781-826-5826

Take very good care of yourself, and keep loving, growing, and giving.
