The Fastest Way to Give Up Power...

“The fastest way to give up power is to think we don’t have any.” -Alice Walker

What is power for a woman, anyway? 

My definition is:  know who you are, what you want, what you are good at, and express it unapologetically in the world.

If we are to keep increasing equality, helping ALL people make an impact in the future, and in this world, we must talk about power.

Women don’t assume power the way men do. Historically, it wasn’t our role. It became wired into women to be caretakers. Even though there have been decades of change - hey, we have a female of color VP in the U.S. - The World Economic Forum estimates that we are about 210 years away from equality. That is disgraceful. 

Does this sound archaic to you that people who aren’t men are STILL struggling with the work-life balance thing?

The thing is, if we’re honest, it is often true.

Do any of the following ring true for you? 

  • How can I be a “good enough” mom and business owner?

  • Isn’t it selfish to ask, what do I want?

  • I won’t speak up first in the meeting. (And the men often do.)

  • I don’t know how or if I should ask for a raise?

So what do we do with this concept of power and how do we get it back? 

It’s simple. 

Ready? Here it is:

First, remember that the potential is already within you, hence the 'getting it back.'

Next, take time, create space in your busy life and figure out: 

  1. Who you are

  2. What you want

  3. What your greatest strengths are

Then go express all of you unapologetically in the world!

Psst… Don’t forget this last part… if you don't, people don't get the gift of your genius.

What would that be like for you? 

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