Celebrate Good Times...

What about what DID go well today?

We humans so often love to notice what didn’t go well, what we didn’t get done, or what is going "wrong."

What if you took a look at what IS going well?

You may have heard the saying, what you focus on grows.

We know now that we can literally create new neural networks in the brain by focusing in certain directions, like a matted pathway heavily travelled. 

Spend lots and lots of time in worry mode? Your brain literally says, oh yeah, that’s familiar, I’ll easily take that path.

Take time often to feel into gratitude? Your brain says, ahh, I know that place, and shifts to that path more easily.

It’s just like learning anything new – a path frequently travelled is more accessible.  

The more you practice, the better you get. 

Your physical and mental health depend on where you place your energy.

So, will you take a few minutes a day to re-train your brain to focus on what IS going well?

To your power,


P.S. If you are ready to have 1:1 in-depth support for creating your next venture, building your business or creating life as YOU want it, request a coaching conversation. There is no obligation.

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